Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Art & Design; Printmaking - Concept Research

Geometry - Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerning lengths, areas and volumes that poses questions of shape, size, relative position of figures and the properties of space. In the short geometry is about shapes and their properties, plain geometry is about flat shapes for example lines, circles or triangles and solid geometry is about three dimensional objects such as cubes, prisms, cylinders and spheres.

Mathematics is the fundamental building block of nature, it is everywhere in life. For example take the famous Fibonacci Sequence, each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers, as this sequence progresses the ratio between each number comes closer and closer to 1.618 which is of course the Golden Ratio/Golden Section/Golden Mean. This ratio is absolutely everywhere in life, for example in a sunflower they have apposing spirals of seeds, the diameter between each rotation is 1.618. This ratio is the corner stone of all life, the best display of it is in spirals, the DNA molecule for example lifes fingerprint!

'Where there is matter, there is geometry.'  Johannes Kepler 

Geometry is absolutely everywhere in life, itself is a fingerprint or the identity of life. This is why I'm going to base my Identity project on geometry. 

I've come up with the tagline of 'Geometry is everywhere in life - but was is life without an identity?' I will use this on my promotional pieces to entice interest in my project. My aim is to grip people's attention so they will open their minds and look deeper into my artwork, hopefully eventually understanding that geometry itself is lifes identity. 

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