Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Computers in Art & Design

Forgot to update after the lesson three weeks back so thought I'd do some catching up. So basically we were just playing around with ideas in Photoshop and although this has nothing to do with the concept for my final piece I thought I'd have a play around with an image.

I took an image of an Urban alleyway and just went with the flow really, firstly I changed the sky using colour range to select the white areas of the image and then used the dapper to add into the white to select the whole sky, I then found an image of the sky I wanted and dragged it in using free transform to position it where I wanted. Then on the original layer on the colour range I selected the white and went back onto the new sky layer, I then created a layer mask to add the sky in. Next I used Curves to get the required lightness/darkness on the sky.

I then added some lighting into the image, so I drew beams of light using the pen tool to draw the shape and then filled them with solid white, I then used a Gaussian Blur and lowered the opacity to create a sort of glow emanating from the sky, down the alleyway.

Next I wanted to add something to the plain brick wall, so I took an image of the Joker and used filters to make it appear more illustrated, and then I used the layer blend modes and changed the perspective with transform to make it appear to be on the wall.

Lastly I wanted to add a person, so I searched high and low to find a decent profile image of a hooded person, and when I came across one that would work it was cut off just below the waist. Undeterred I used the image and used the pen tool and brush tool to draw in the legs and feet, I then scaled and positioned the person in the alleyway and darkened him up as the light source is behind him. Lastly to add more of a real effect I added a shadow of him in by duplicating the layer and filling it completely black, I then used free transform and perspective to position the shadow before lastly using a Gaussian Blur to make it appear as a shadow.



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